Batman Autograph Book 紀念冊



產品詳情 產品名稱: Batman紀念冊 型號.: B1-162-1 尺寸: 19W x 14H x 2.5D cm 物料: 紙 畢業後要和同學們告別昔日的校園生活了, 一起把珍貴的回憶都收藏於紀念冊吧~♪ 集合所有朋友資料、老師勉言、友誼祝福等回憶, 偶爾翻開,憶起與同學們相處的一點一滴,極具收藏意義! ✔ 個人檔案 ✔ 朋友資料頁 x 48張、老師勉言頁 x 4張 、相片頁 x 2張 ✔ 文件快勞袋 x 1個 ✔ 精美貼紙 x 1張 安全警告: 請在成人指導下使用。 Product Detail Product Name: Batman Autograph Book Model No.: B1-162-1 Size: 19W x 14H x 2.5D cm Material: Paper Let's collect the precious school memories to this autograph book♪ You can keep all friendship blessings and friend’s contact information inside. ✔ Profile page ✔ Friends page x 48pcs, Teacher page x 4pcs, Photo page x 2pcs ✔ Small PVC file x 1pcs ✔ Sticker x 1pcs Safety Warning: Please use under supervision of adult.
